{{tag>deutsch it-security cheatsheet basics}}
====== 64-Bit Stack CheatSheet ======
==== x64 Register ====
The x64 register is structured as follows ((https://learn.microsoft.com/de-de/windows-hardware/drivers/debugger/x64-architecture)) ((https://www.complang.tuwien.ac.at/ubvl/amd64/amd64h.html))
^ 8 bytes (64 bits) ^ 4 bytes (32 bits) ^ 2 bytes (16 bits) ^ 1 byte (8 bits) ^ Designation ^ Application ^
| @lightgreen:**RAX** | @orange:EAX | @lightgrey:AX | @lightblue:AL | Temporary register | First return register |
| @lightgreen:**RBX** | @orange:EBX | @lightgrey:BX | @lightblue:BL | Callee-secured register | |
| @lightgreen:**RCX** | @orange:ECX | @lightgrey:CX | @lightblue:CL | Argument register | fourth integer argument |
| @lightgreen:**RDX** | @orange:EDX | @lightgrey:DX | @lightblue:DL | Argument register | third integer argument, second return register |
| @lightgreen:**RSI** | @orange:ESI | @lightgrey:SI | @lightblue:SIL | Argument register | second integer argument |
| @lightgreen:**RDI** | @orange:EDI | @lightgrey:DI | @lightblue:DIL | Argument register | first argument |
| @lightgreen:**RBP** | @orange:EBP | @lightgrey:BP | @lightblue:BPL | @red:Callee-saved register | @red:**Frame Pointer** |
| @lightgreen:**RSP** | @orange:ESP | @lightgrey:SP | @lightblue:SPL | @red: | @red:**Stack Pointer** |
| @lightgreen:**RIP** | @orange:EIP | @lightgrey:- | @lightblue:- | @red:Instruction Pointer | @red:**Address of the next machine instruction to be executed, read-only** |
| @lightgreen:**R8** | @orange:R8D | @lightgrey:R8W | @lightblue:R8B | Argument register | fifth argument |
| @lightgreen:**R9** | @orange:R9D | @lightgrey:R9W | @lightblue:R9B | Argument register | sixth argument |
| @lightgreen:**R10** | @orange:R10D | @lightgrey:R10W | @lightblue:R10B | Temporary register | |
| @lightgreen:**R11** | @orange:R11D | @lightgrey:R11W | @lightblue:R11B | Temporary register | |
| @lightgreen:**R12** | @orange:R12D | @lightgrey:R12W | @lightblue:R12B | Callee-secured register | |
|... | ... | ... | | |... |
| @lightgreen:**R15** | @orange:R15D | @lightgrey:R15W | @lightblue:R12B | Callee-safe register | |
=== Calling conventions ===
A function (caller) calls a sub-function (callee). The registers RBP, RBX, R12 to R15 belong to the caller. If the callee wants to change them, it must save them on the stack with push
to save them on the stack. Before returning to the function, these registers must then be restored using pop
to restore these registers.
More on this can be found in the Cheat-Sheet((https://cs.brown.edu/courses/cs033/docs/guides/x64_cheatsheet.pdf))