

Unten sind die Ergebnisse Ihrer Suche gelistet.

Surfing the net safely @en:archiv:tut:basics
4 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
data packets. To prevent this, banks etc. use so-called secure connections. What are secure connections?... wuerdig.jpg|}} This type of certificate is also called, [[wpde>Extended-Validation-Zertifikat|EV certif... e to purchase and are therefore rarely found in smaller online shops. ===== A practical test: Is the si... (e.g. no longer valid, etc.) Does it apply to smaller online shops? - Read the reviews on independe
Windows XP Mode for Windows 7 Home @en:archiv:windows:vista
5 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
ssional and Ultimate versions of Windows 7. The smaller versions of Windows 7 do not, which is why you c... ===== What do we need? ===== * Windows 7 (installed) * [[ r. This is the drive of your PC. Your PC is also called the "host", the virtual PC guest. Now insert you... including Service Pack 3 and all patches are installed. Other programmes must not be installed in the v
Move swap file under XP @en:archiv:windows:performance
3 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
drive other than the one on which Windows is installed (Windows is usually installed on the C drive). Under Total size of swap file for all drives, please ma... list, click on the drive on which Windows is installed (usually drive C) and then perform one of the fo
Bombs Script @en:archiv:coding:msl
1 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
lubb ) { halt } /.notice $nick Nur eine Bombe alle 3 Minuten ! ;) halt } /set -u20 %bombkick