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Draft | Approver: psycore



Preparations for DefCon-1 began in November 2006. It took a good 2 months to set up the CMS, put together a team and integrate content.

The beginnings

DefCon-1 started in 2007 as a software distribution project. Initially, three programmes were available for download. These were RaZoR, securedelete32 and the password generator. Current news and information was published secondarily.

The releases

DefCon-1 currently lives from the software releases. New releases were announced in various forums and software sites.

The extensions

Over time, new modules were integrated into the existing system. In addition to the OMS Engine, which provides free music, a guestbook was also integrated. Unfortunately, this had to be taken offline again due to spam attacks.

New programmes were added to the project. Two of them are the chaosdll and the deviceguard.

At the end of 2007, the CMS was given a completely new design, which significantly improved clarity.

The year 2008

In addition to the constantly evolving programmes, parts of the network were also incorporated into the DefCon-1 project. For example, the Captain Spaulding Blog and this WiKi have been integrated. This should ensure optimum support and personalisation.


In April 2009, the software development was stopped for the time being and the CMS was completely removed. The main reason for this was a lack of time. The software is still available, but is no longer being developed intensively.

The project

DefCon-1 was officially declared finished. Times change and the project has also had many faces over the years. Nevertheless, it will no longer be possible for me to put so much energy into this project. For this reason, it has been officially declared finished. The WiKi will continue to run and the software will also be available.

DefCon-1 over and out…

en/archiv/defcon1.txt · Last modified: 2023/11/18 22:41
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