Move swap file under XP

Draft | Approver: psycore

Move swap file under XP

tutname=Auslagerungsdatei verschieben unter XP|tutautor=[[en:psycore]]|tutversion=1.0|tutquelle=


The swap file is the area on the hard disk that is used by Windows as if it were RAM memory. This area is sometimes also referred to as „virtual memory“. By default, Windows stores this file on the partition where the Windows system files are located. You can improve the performance of Windows and create additional free memory on the boot partition by moving this file to another partition.

How to proceed

  1. Log on to the computer as an administrator.
  2. Click on Start and then on Control Panel.
  3. Click on Performance and Maintenance and then on System.
  4. On the Advanced tab, under System performance, click Settings.
  5. On the Advanced tab, under Virtual memory, click Change.
  6. In the Drive [label] list, click on a drive other than the one on which Windows is installed (Windows is usually installed on the C drive). Under Total size of swap file for all drives, please make a note of the value displayed next to Recommended.
  7. Click on Custom size and then enter the recommended value in the Initial size (MB) field.
  8. Enter the desired value for the maximum size of the swap file in the Maximum size (MB) field and then click Set.
  9. In the Drive [label] list, click on the drive on which Windows is installed (usually drive C) and then perform one of the following steps:
  10. If you do not want a swap file on this drive, please click on No swap file and then on Specify. A message similar to the following will be displayed:
  11. If the swap file on drive C: has an initial size of less than 126 MB, the system may not be able to save debug information when a „STOP“ error occurs.
    1. Do you still want to continue the process?
    2. Click Yes.
  12. Click If you want to keep the minimum size swap file on the drive, please click Custom size and then enter a value equal to or greater than the value in the Initial size (MB) field. Enter the same value in the Maximum size (MB) field and then click Set.
  13. The following message is displayed:

You must restart the computer for the changes to take effect. Click OK three times and then click Yes when you are asked if you want to restart your computer.


en/archiv/windows/performance/pagefilexp.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/07 16:30
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