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en:irc:sslmirc [2023/12/21 07:28] – Automatic translation [2024/02/05 08:29] (current) – old revision restored (2024/02/04 22:28) psycore
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 +{{tag>english irc mirc tls}}
 ====== mIRC with SSL ====== ====== mIRC with SSL ======
 ===== 1. what is SSL and why should I use it? ===== ===== 1. what is SSL and why should I use it? =====
-[[wpde>SSL]] SSL is a protocol that transmits data in encrypted form. All +[[wp>SSL]] SSL is a protocol that transmits data in encrypted form. All 
-data that is sent from [[wpde>Server]] to [[wpde>Client]] and elsewhere through the Internet+data that is sent from [[wp>Server]] to [[wp>Client]] and elsewhere through the Internet
 are normally unencrypted, i.e. you could use a network sniffer to are normally unencrypted, i.e. you could use a network sniffer to
 all relevant data such as passwords etc. with a network sniffer. all relevant data such as passwords etc. with a network sniffer.