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en:it-security:blog:awareness [2024/02/05 21:18] psycoreen:it-security:blog:awareness [2024/08/02 12:33] (current) psycore
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 ===== Introduction ===== ===== Introduction =====
-{{ it-security:blog:internet-3484137_640.jpg?400}} Phrases such as "it was the stupid user's fault" or "end users are just too stupid" are very common when it comes to IT security. However, this idea is fundamentally wrong. If users don't know things, the fault lies with IT security management.+Phrases such as "it was the stupid user's fault" or "end users are just too stupid" are very common when it comes to IT security. However, this idea is fundamentally wrong. If users don't know things, the fault lies with IT security management. 
 +{{ it-security:blog:internet-3484137_640.jpg?400}}
 ===== Errors in IT security management ===== ===== Errors in IT security management =====