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en:it-security:blog:shellcode_injection-1 [2024/04/26 14:02] psycoreen:it-security:blog:shellcode_injection-1 [2024/08/02 12:34] (current) psycore
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 ====== Shellcode Injection Part 1 ====== ====== Shellcode Injection Part 1 ======
-In this series of articles, we look at shellcode, how to inject it into processes and some techniques for obfuscating binary files. In the first part, we look at how to inject shellcode from a local process. ausführt.((https://www.ired.team/offensive-security/code-injection-process-injection/process-injection)) In addition, we disguise the program so that Defender no longer recognises it as a threat.+In this series of articles, we look at shellcode, how to inject it into processes and some techniques for obfuscating binary files. In the first part, we look at how to inject shellcode from a local process. ausführt. In addition, we disguise the program so that Defender no longer recognises it as a threat.
 You can find all the required files in the [[en:it-security:blog:shellcode_injection-1#Repository|repository]] You can find all the required files in the [[en:it-security:blog:shellcode_injection-1#Repository|repository]]
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 +===== References =====
 +  * [[https://www.ired.team/offensive-security/code-injection-process-injection/process-injection]]