You've loaded an old revision of the document! If you save it, you will create a new version with this data. Media Files{{page>vorlagen:ausbau}} ====== Archives under Linux ====== The most common archives under Linux and their command line are documented and presented here. Please provide a link to all references to Wikipedia. ===== Extension: "tar" ===== Archive format: [[wpde>tar]] Unpack: <code bash>tar xfv [ARCHIVNAME].tar</code> Packing: <code bash>tar cfv [ARCHIVNAME].tar [VERZEICHNIS1] [VERZEICHNIS2] [DATEI1] [DATEI2]</code> List: <code bash>tar tfv [ARCHIVNAME].tar</code> ===== Ending: "gz" ===== Archive format: [[wpde>gzip]] Pack: <code bash>tar cfvz [ARCHIV].tar.gz [VERZEICHNIS1] [DATEI1]</code> Unpacking: <code bash>tar xfvz [ARCHIV].tar.gz</code> ===== Extension: "bz2" ===== Archive format: [[wpde>bzip2]] Pack: <code bash>tar cfvj [ARCHIV].tar.bz2 [VERZEICHNIS1] [DATEI1]</code> Unpacking: <code bash>tar xfvj [ARCHIV].tar.bz2</code> ===== Extension: "zip" ===== Archive format: [[wpde>ZIP_(Dateiformat)|zip]] Packing: <code bash>zip [ARCHIV].zip [DATEI1] [DATEI2]</code> Packing a directory: <code bash>zip -r [ARCHIV].zip [VERZEICHNIS1] [VERZEICHNIS2]</code> Unpacking: <code bash>unzip [ARCHIV].zip</code> Unpack into directory and overwrite: <code=bash>unzip -o [ARCHIV].zip -d dir/</code>Please solve the following equation to prove you're human. 142 -3 = Please keep this field empty: SavePreviewCancel Edit summary Note: By editing this page you agree to license your content under the following license: CC Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International