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Linux Commands Cheatsheet

Draft Newest approved | Approver: psycore

This is an old revision of the document!

Linux commands

My collection of commands for Linux .

Command list

User Management

Command Comment
/usr/bin/ftptop Show information about ProFTPd
adduser <username> create user with additional information incl. homedir
passwd <username> change password
su <user> set user
sudo shutdown -s Pass command as root
useradd -d <homedir> <username> create user with home dir
userdel <username> delete user
whoami Output current user

File and Directory Management

Command Comment
chgrp <user> <datei/ordner> Change group
chown <user> <datei/ordner> Change owner
cp -r newdir/* olddir/ copy files recursively
'cp' -rf dir/{*,.??*} /dir/ hidden files and aliased cp -i will be copied
du -hs <dir> specify directory size
du -h * | sort -hr > /home/user/filelist.txt file list sorted by size
echo bla > 1.txt Create file 1.txt with content bla
echo blabla » 1.txt Append blabla to file 1.txt
ls -lahS $(find / -type f -size +100000k) search for files > 100MB
ls -la dir listing
pwd output working directory
tar xfz u-web-my4.tgz extract file
whereis Output binary directory

Package management

Command Comment
apt-cache search <pack> search for a package
apt-get install <pack> install pack
apt-get update update package cache
apt-get upgrade upgrade installed packages

System Management

Command Comment
cat /proc/cpuinfo cpuinfo
cat /proc/meminfo RAM Info
cat /proc/version Deb Version
crontab -e Edit cronjobs
crontab -l List cronjobs
date +%s Output Unix time
date -d @1234631164 output Unix time in normal time
df -h free disk space
dpkg-reconfigure locales -plow Language settings
dpkg-reconfigure tzdata Time zone settings
kill -6 <PID> 1) SIGABRT - Abort process
kill -9 <PID> SIGKILL - terminate process
kill -15 <PID> SIGTERM - terminate process cleanly
kill -18 <PID> SIGCONT - Continue process
kill -19 <PID> SIGSTOP - stop process
mount -o remount -rw / release write-protected file system

Network Management

Command Comment
ifconfig show IP address and netmask
netstat -pantu Connections/Ports
nload -u H Show bandwidth
sh sh file execute
wget gets file

Start and stop

Command Comment
shutdown -s Shut down or switch off the system
shutdown -r Restart (reboot)
shutdown -l User logout
shutdown -s -f forced shutdown

Change Linux time

Set the time under Linux. 2)

[me@mybox me]$ su
Check the current date and time of the Linux box by entering:
[root@mybox me]# date
Linux yields the current settings:
[root@mybox me]# Wed Apr 7 12:03:45 EDT 2004
Change the current time and date of the Linux box by entering:
[root@mybox me]# date 040713032004
would change the time and yield:
[root@mybox me]$ Wed Apr 7 13:03:00 EDT 2004

Load Apache modules

a2enmod modname

activate, or with

a2dismod modname

deactivate. Subsequently, a restart of the web server with

/etc/init.d/apache2 restart

is necessary.

Run Froxlor Cron

PID denotes the process ID
en/linux/befehle.1699001210.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/11/03 09:46
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