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en:linux:n8n:installation_compose [2023/11/07 16:23] – Automatic translation [2023/11/17 01:41] (current) – Automatic translation
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 ====== n8n installation with Docker Compose ====== ====== n8n installation with Docker Compose ======
-n8n installation with Docker Compose, Let's Encrypt [[wpde>SSL]] certificate and Basic Auth. For systems that are not directly accessible on the Internet, the [[linux:n8n:installation|HTTP method can also be selected]] (not recommended, however).+n8n installation with Docker Compose, Let's Encrypt [[wpde>SSL]] certificate and Basic Auth. For systems that are not directly accessible on the Internet, the [[en:linux:n8n:installation|HTTP method can also be selected]] (not recommended, however).
 ===== 1st Docker installation (Debian) ===== ===== 1st Docker installation (Debian) =====