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Approved 2024/08/02 12:57 by psycore (version: 2) | Approver: psycore


Hi, it's me: Sascha! I've been interested in information technology for more than 20 years. For a long time as a hobby, I have been working professionally in this field since 2011. After 11 years of IT projects and support, I have now specialised in IT security.

I am a certified junior penetration tester and implement projects as an IT security officer.


  • Name Sascha
  • FamilyMrs ❤️, child ❤️, cat ❤️
  • ProfessionInformation Security Officer
  • MusicReggae, Dancehall, Skapunk, Punk
  • Hobbies: Travelling, Music, Developing, Boxing

$social psycore8 psycore8
en/user/psycore.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/02 12:57
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