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NTLDR missing Error message

Draft | Approver: psycore

NTLDR missing Error message

tutname=NTLDR fehlt Fehlermeldung|tutautor=[[en:psycore]]|tutversion=1.0|tutquelle=

Under certain circumstances it can happen that Windows cancels the start process with the error message:

NTLDR fehlt

In most cases, the following steps can be taken to rectify this error

Start the recovery console

You need a bootable CD/DVD of your Windows system. Insert this and check that the boot sequence in the BIOS is correct (the first point should be Boot from CD/DVD). Now wait until the CD has booted and click through to the recovery console. From here you have to type everything by hand.

Repair Master Boot Record

Let's assume that the operating system is located on C:. Now you must first repair the Master Boot Record (MBR). To do this, enter the following commands:


Use the second command to repair the partition sector of the system partition.

Copy system files

Now you need to copy the required system files to the partition. In this case, we again assume that C: is the system partition and D: is the DVD drive from which you booted (the Windows CD). Now enter the following:

COPY d:\i386\NTLDR c:\


Now remove the Windows CD from the drive and restart the PC. Everything should now start as usual. In most cases, this works absolutely reliably. Otherwise, simply use the following link for further research:<ignore>=de&safe=off&rls=de&hs=DtP&q=ntldr+fehlt&btnG=Suche&lr=</ignore>

en/windows/ntldr.txt ยท Last modified: 2023/12/01 12:52
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