User account control under Windows Vista

Draft | Approver: psycore

User account control under Windows Vista

tutname=Vista Benutzerkontensteuerung|tutautor=[[en:psycore]]|tutversion=1.0|tutquelle=tut:win:vista:uac


The User Account Control under Windows Vista is an important security feature. It protects the system from unauthorised access through external attacks and malware. However, more experienced users may soon be annoyed by the constant requests from the OS.

There are a few tricks to customise it to your needs.

Automatic detection of an installation

If the user account control should automatically recognise whether an installation is being started and generally allow this, the following settings are required:

Navigate to the path:


Here we create a new value of the REG_DWORD data type:


Allowed values are:

Value Effect
0 Switch off automatic detection
1 Automatic detection active

Deactivate user account control for users

We open the registry editor as described in the first step and navigate to the path:


Here we create a new value of the REG_DWORD data type:


Allowed values are:

Value Effect
0 Ignore request and deny rights
1 Activate request

Deactivate user account control for admins

We open the registry editor as described in the first step and navigate to the path:


Here we create a new value of the REG_DWORD data type:


Allowed values are:

Value Effect
0 Ignore request and assign rights
1 Activate request with confirmation and login
2 Activate request with confirmation

Only allow digitally signed programmes

To allow only digitally signed programmes increased rights, the following entry must be made.

We open the registry editor as described in the first step and navigate to the path:


Here we create a new value of the REG_DWORD data type:


Allowed values are:

Value Effect
0 PKI signing not required
1 PKI signing required

© by PsyCore 2009

The author accepts no liability for any damage resulting from the use of this tutorial. This tutorial is written to the best of my knowledge and belief. The distribution of this tutorial is only permitted if the original text including copyright notice remains untouched.

en/windows/security/uac.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/02 14:47
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