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IRC Operator Befehle
OPER Command
Attempts to give a user IRC Operator status.
Syntax: OPER <uid> <password>
Example: OPER hAtbLaDe foobar234
Sends a "Message" to all those with the umode +w. Only IRCops can send wallops, while anyone can view them.
Syntax: WALLOPS <message>
Sends a global "Message" to all IRCops. Only viewable by IRCops (unlike WALLOPS, which can be viewed by normal users).
Syntax: GLOBOPS <message>
Example: GLOBOPS Going to be akilling those clones...
GLOBOPS is usually reserved for important network information. Therefore, for Oper Chat, CHATOPS was invented. IRCops with the +c flag enabled will be able to send/receive CHATOPS messages. Syntax: CHATOPS <message> Example: CHATOPS How's everyone doing today?
LOCOPS Command
Similar to GLOBOPS, except only received by those IRCops local to your server.
Syntax: LOCOPS <message>
Example: LOCOPS Going to be adding a temp k:line for that user...
ADCHAT Command
This command sends to all Admins online Only for Admins. This is a ChatOps style command
Syntax: ADCHAT <text> Example: ADCHAT Hey guys! ====== NACHAT Command ====== This command sends to all NetAdmins & TechAdmins online Only for Net/Techadmins. This is a ChatOps style command Syntax: NACHAT <text> Example: NACHAT Hey guys! ====== TECHAT Command ====== This command sends to all TechAdmins online Only for Net/Techadmins. This is a ChatOps style command Syntax: TECHAT <text> Example: TECHAT Hey guys! ====== KILL Command ====== Forcefully Disconnects a user from an IRC Server. IRC Operators only. Syntax: KILL <user> <reason> Example: KILL Clone5 Cloning is not allowed ====== KLINE Command ====== "Bans" a hostmask from connection to the IRC server. The user can however connect to other servers on the network !! IRC Operators only. Syntax: KLINE <hostmask> <reason> Example: KLINE *@*.aol.com Abuse ====== UNKLINE Command ====== Removes a k:line from the server. IRC Operators only. Syntax: UNKLINE <hostmask> Example: UNKLINE *@*.aol.com ====== ZLINE Command ====== Disables all access to the IRC server from a specified IP. The IP can however connect to other servers on the network !! IRC Operators only. Syntax: ZLINE <ip> :reason Example: ZLINE :Localhost ====== UNZLINE Command ====== Removes a currently active z:Line. IRC Operators only. Syntax: UNZLINE <ip> Example: UNZLINE ====== GLINE command ====== This command provides timed G:Lines. If you match a G:Line you cannot connect to ANY server on the IRC network. A time of 0 in the GLINE makes it permanent (Never Expires). In Unreal 3.1.1 you may also specify the time in the format 1d10h15m30s. IRC Operators only. Syntax: GLINE <user@host mask> <seconds to be banned> :<reason> (Adds a G:line for user@host) GLINE -<user@host mask> (Removes a G:line for user@host) Example: GLINE *@*.dal.net 900 :Spammers (Adds a 15 min G:line) GLINE *@*.dal.net 1d5h :Spammers (Adds a 29 hour G:line) ====== SHUN Command ====== Prevents a user from executing ANY command except ADMIN and respond to Server Pings. This effectively prevents them from doing anything on the server. A time of 0 on the SHUN makes it permanent (Never Expires). In Unreal 3.1.1 you may also specify the time in the format 1d10h15m30s. IRC Operators only. Syntax : SHUN <nickname> <time> :<Reason> (Shun the nickname for time) SHUN +<user@host> <time> :<Reason> (Shun the user@host for time) SHUN -<user@host> (Removes the SHUN for user@host) SHUN (View the current SHUN list) Example : SHUN +foobar@aol.com 600 :Spamming (Shuns foobar@aol.com for 10 mins for Spamming) SHUN +foobar@aol.com 1d6h :Spamming (Adds a 30 hour SHUN) ====== GZLINE Command ====== This command provides timed global Z:line. If you match a Global Z:Line you cannot connect to ANY server on the IRC network A time of 0 in the GZLINE makes it permanent (Never Expires). You may also specify the time in the format 1d10h15m30s. IRC Operator only command. Syntax: GZLINE <user@host mask> <seconds to be banned> :<reason> (Adds a Global Z:line for user@host) GZLINE -<user@host mask> (Removes a Global Z:line for user@host) Example: GZLINE *@*.dal.net 900 :Spammers (Adds a 15 min Global Z:line) GZLINE *@*.dal.net 1d5h :Spammers (Adds a 29 hour Global Z:line) ====== TKLINE Command ====== This command provides timed K:Lines. If you match a time K:Line you cannot connect to the server until the time has expired A time of 0 in the TKLINE makes it permanent (Never Expires). You may also specify the time in the format 1d10h15m30s. IRC Operator only command. Syntax: TKLINE <user@host mask> <seconds to be banned> :<reason> (Adds a Timed K:line for user@host) TKLINE -<user@host mask> (Removes a Timed K:line for user@host) Example: TKLINE *@*.dal.net 900 :Spammers (Adds a 15 min Timed K:line) TKLINE *@*.dal.net 1d5h :Spammers (Adds a 29 hour Timed K:line) ====== TZLINE Command ====== This command provides timed G:Lines. If you match a Timed Z:Line you cannot connect to the server until the time has expired A time of 0 in the TZLINE makes it permanent (Never Expires). You may also specify the time in the format 1d10h15m30s. IRC Operator only command. Syntax: TZLINE <user@host mask> <seconds to be banned> :<reason> (Adds a Timed Z:line for user@host) TZLINE -<user@host mask> (Removes a Timed Z:line for user@host) Example: TZLINE *@*.dal.net 900 :Spammers (Adds a 15 min Timed Z:line) TZLINE *@*.dal.net 1d5h :Spammers (Adds a 29 hour Timed Z:line) ====== AKILL Command ====== (Use Services AKILL Instead) Adds an Autokill for the specific host mask. This prevents any user from that hostmask from connecting to the network. Services Admin & above only .. Syntax : AKILL <user@host> :<Reason> Example : AKILL foo@aol.com :Spammers! ====== RAKILL Command ====== (Use Services AKILL Instead) Removes an AKILL set by an IRC Operator or Services. Services Admin & above only .. Syntax : RAKILL <user@host> ====== REHASH Command ====== Prompts the server to reread the configuration files. IRC Operators only. Syntax: REHASH <servername> -<flags> REHASH -<flags> If servername and flags are not specified this rehashes the ircd.conf , removing any temporary k:lines. If servername is specified, this is used to rehash config files on servername Only TechAdmins and NetAdmins may specify a server name The flags are used to rehash other config files, valid flags are: -dccdeny - Rehashes dccdeny.conf -dynconf - Rehashes UnrealIRCd Config and Network file -restrict - Rehashes chrestrict.conf -vhost - Rehashes vhost.conf -motd - Rehashes all MOTD files and RULES files (including T:lines) -opermotd - Rehashes the OPERMOTD -botmotd - Rehashes the BOTMOTD -garbage - Force garbage collection -badwords - Rehashes the badwords config. ====== RESTART Command ====== Kills and restarts the IRC daemon, disconnecting all users currently on that server. IRC Operators only. Syntax: RESTART RESTART <password> RESTART <server> <password> ====== DIE Command ====== Kills the IRC daemon, disconnecting all users currently on the current server. IRC Operators only. Syntax: DIE DIE <password> ====== LAG Command ====== This command is like a Sonar or Traceroute for IRC servers You type in /LAG irc.fyremoon.net and it will reply from every server it passes with time and so on Useful for looking where lag is and optional TS future/past travels Syntax: LAG <servername> ====== SETHOST Command ====== This command is so you can change your Virtual host (hiddenhost) to everything you want to, Except special characters. IRC Operators only. Syntax: SETHOST <new hostname> Example: SETHOST microsoft.com ====== SETIDENT Command ====== With this command you can change your Ident (username). IRC Operators only. Syntax: SETIDENT <new ident> Example: SETIDENT root ====== CHGHOST Command ====== Changes the hostname of a user currently on the IRC network. IRC Operators only. Syntax: CHGHOST <nick> <host> Example: CHGHOST hAtbLaDe code.slashdot.org ====== CHGIDENT Command ====== Changes the ident of a user currently on the IRC network. IRC Operators only. Syntax: CHGIDENT <nick> <ident> Example: CHGIDENT hAtbLaDe FreeBSD ====== CHGNAME Command ====== Changes the "IRC Name" (or "Real Name") of a user currently on the IRC network. IRC Operators only. Syntax: CHGNAME <nick> <name> Example: CHGNAME hAtbLaDe TechAdmin on SomeNet ====== SQUIT Command ====== Disconnects an IRC Server from the network IRC Operators only. Syntax: SQUIT <server> Example: SQUIT leaf.* ====== CONNECT Command ====== Links another IRC server to the one you are currently on. Remote connections are also possible. IRC Operators only. Syntax: CONNECT <server> CONNECT <hub> <port> <leaf> Example: CONNECT leaf.* CONNECT hub.* 6667 leaf.* ====== DCCDENY Command ====== Adds a DCC Deny for that filename mask. This means that any DCC sends of that filename mask through the server will be rejected. IRC Operators only. Syntax : DCCDENY <filename mask> <reason> ====== UNDCCDENY Command ====== If the EXACT file you type is found it is removed, else it uses wildcards to search IRC Operators only. Syntax : UNDCCDENY <filename mask> ====== SAJOIN Command ====== Forces a user to join channel(s). Can only be used by a Services Admin. Syntax: SAJOIN <nick> <channel>[,<channel2>..] Example: SAJOIN hAtbLaDe #OperHelp SAJOIN hAtbLaDe #Support,#IRCHelp ====== SAPART Command ====== Forces a user to leave channel(s). Can only be used by a Services Admin. Syntax: SAPART <nick> <channel>[,<channel2>..] Example: SAPART hAtbLaDe #OperHelp SAPART hAtbLaDe #Support,#IRCHelp ====== SAMODE Command ====== Allows a Services Administrator to change the mode on a channel, without having Operator status. Syntax: SAMODE <channel> <mode> Example: SAMODE #Support +m ====== RPING Command ====== This will calculate the milliseconds (Lag) between servers Syntax: RPING <servermask> ====== TRACE Command ====== TRACE is useful to know what servers are connected to what. Sometimes TRACE can be confusing, especially if you are using it for the first time. Syntax: TRACE <servername> Example: TRACE irc.fyremoon.net ====== OPERMOTD Command ====== Shows the IRCd Operator MOTD IRC Operators only. Syntax: OPERMOTD ====== ADDMOTD Command ====== This will add the text you specify to the MOTD (the general motd - T:lines doesnt count ..) Server Admin & Co-Admin only Syntax: ADDMOTD :text ====== ADDOMOTD Command ====== This will add the text you specify to the Operator MOTD Server Admin & Co-Admin only Syntax: ADDOMOTD :text ====== SDESC Command ====== With this command you can change your Server Info Line Without having to squit and reconnect. This is a Server Admin/Co Admin only command Syntax: SDESC <New description> Example: SDESC If you belong to me.. ====== MKPASSWD Command ====== This command will encrypt the string it has been given So u can add it directly to the unrealircd.conf if you use Encrypted passwords. Type can be crypt, sha1, or md5. Sha1 and md5 are only available when compiled with SSL support. Syntax : MKPASSWD <method> <password> ====== TSCTL Command ====== This is a highly advanced command IRC Operators only. Syntax: TSCTL OFFSET +|- <time> (Adjust internal IRC clock) TSCTL TIME (Will give TS report) TSCTL ALLTIME (Shows the TS report of all Servers) TSCTL SVSTIME <timestamp> (Sets the Time on all servers) ====== HTM Command ====== Switches the server In & Out of High Traffic Mode It is activated when the server is receiving extremely high amounts of information IRC Operators only. Syntax: HTM [option] If no option is specified it just displays the current HTM state If an option is specified it does a more specific task, valid options are: ON - Force HTM to activate OFF - Force HTM to deactivate NOISY - Make HTM announce when it is entering/leaving HTM QUIET - Stop HTM from announcing when it is entering/leaving HTM TO <value> - Tell HTM at what incoming rate to activate HTM