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MySQL Backup under Linux
11 Hits, Last modified:
ns for us are: -u -p The -u option specifies the user name that has access to the database. The -p opti... the following syntax: <code bash>$ mysqldump -u USER -p database USERDATABASE > usr1_db.sql</code> USER corresponds to the user. The -p option is passed without an associated parameter. USERDATABASE correspo
MySQL Operating system error number 13
5 Hits, Last modified:
uired by MySQL have incorrect rights or incorrect user (groups). The following commands set the correct user ((as an example user: mysql Group:adm / adjust accordingly to your own configuration)). ==== Commands for user/group assignment ==== <file bash setuser-mysql.t
Change MySQL passwords
3 Hits, Last modified:
starten # In einem neuen Terminal dann mysql --user=root mysql # Als root am MySQL-Server anmelden </code> <code mysql> update user set Password=PASSWORD('hier-neues-passwort-hin') where user='root'; # neues Passwort setzen flush privileg