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en:linux:befehle [2023/11/03 09:46] – Automatic translation [2024/08/23 11:13] (current) psycore
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-====== Linux commands ====== +{{tag>english linux debian cheatsheet collection}} 
- +====== Linux Commands Cheatsheet ======
-My collection of commands for [[wpde>Linux]] .+
 ===== Command list ===== ===== Command list =====
Line 8: Line 7:
 ^ Command ^ Comment ^ ^ Command ^ Comment ^
-| /usr/bin/ftptop | Show information about ProFTPd |+| /usr/bin/ftptop | Display information about ProFTPd |
 | adduser <username> | create user with additional information incl. homedir | | adduser <username> | create user with additional information incl. homedir |
-| passwd <username>change password |+| passwd <username>Change password |
 | su <user> | set user | | su <user> | set user |
-| sudo shutdown -Pass command as root |+| sudo -u www-data command Execute command as user www-data |
 | useradd -d <homedir> <username> | create user with home dir | | useradd -d <homedir> <username> | create user with home dir |
 | userdel <username> | delete user | | userdel <username> | delete user |
 | whoami | Output current user | | whoami | Output current user |
-==== File and Directory Management ====+==== File and directory management ====
 ^ Command ^ Comment ^ ^ Command ^ Comment ^
 | chgrp <user> <datei/ordner> | Change group | | chgrp <user> <datei/ordner> | Change group |
 | chown <user> <datei/ordner> | Change owner | | chown <user> <datei/ordner> | Change owner |
-| cp -r newdir/* olddir/ | copy files recursively |+| cp -r newdir/* olddir/ | Copy files recursively |
 | 'cp' -rf dir/{*,.??*} /dir/ | hidden files and aliased cp -i will be copied | | 'cp' -rf dir/{*,.??*} /dir/ | hidden files and aliased cp -i will be copied |
 | du -hs <dir> | specify directory size | | du -hs <dir> | specify directory size |
-| du -h * %%|%% sort -hr > /home/user/filelist.txt | file list sorted by size |+| du -h * %%|%% sort -hr > /home/user/filelist.txt | File list sorted by size |
 | echo bla > 1.txt | Create file 1.txt with content bla | | echo bla > 1.txt | Create file 1.txt with content bla |
 | echo blabla >> 1.txt | Append blabla to file 1.txt | | echo blabla >> 1.txt | Append blabla to file 1.txt |
 +| ls | List directory contents |
 +| ls -la dir | List directory contents with user information |
 | ls -lahS $(find / -type f -size +100000k) | search for files > 100MB | | ls -lahS $(find / -type f -size +100000k) | search for files > 100MB |
-| ls -la dir | listing | +| pwd | Output working directory |
-| pwd | output working directory |+
 | tar xfz u-web-my4.tgz | extract file | | tar xfz u-web-my4.tgz | extract file |
 | whereis | Output binary directory | | whereis | Output binary directory |
Line 49: Line 49:
 | cat /proc/version | Deb Version | | cat /proc/version | Deb Version |
 | crontab -e | Edit cronjobs | | crontab -e | Edit cronjobs |
-| crontab -l | List cronjobs |+| crontab -l | Listen to cronjobs |
 | date +%s | Output Unix time | | date +%s | Output Unix time |
-| date -d @1234631164 | output Unix time in normal time | +| date -d @1234631164 | Output Unix time in normal time | 
-| df -h | free disk space |+| df -h | free disc space |
 | dpkg-reconfigure locales -plow | Language settings | | dpkg-reconfigure locales -plow | Language settings |
 | dpkg-reconfigure tzdata | Time zone settings | | dpkg-reconfigure tzdata | Time zone settings |
-| kill -6 <PID> ((PID denotes the process ID)) | SIGABRT - Abort process | +| kill -6 <PID> ((PID denotes the process ID)) | SIGABRT - Cancel process | 
-| kill -9 <PID> | SIGKILL - terminate process |+| kill -9 <PID> | SIGKILL - Terminate process |
 | kill -15 <PID> | SIGTERM - terminate process cleanly | | kill -15 <PID> | SIGTERM - terminate process cleanly |
 | kill -18 <PID> | SIGCONT - Continue process | | kill -18 <PID> | SIGCONT - Continue process |
-| kill -19 <PID> | SIGSTOP - stop process | +| kill -19 <PID> | SIGSTOP - Stop process | 
-| mount -o remount -rw / | release write-protected file system |+| mount -o remount -rw / | release read-only file system 
 +| ps | process list | 
 +| ps -aux | detailed process list |
-==== Network Management ====+==== Netzwerk Management ====
 ^ Command ^ Comment ^ ^ Command ^ Comment ^
-| ifconfig | show IP address and netmask |+| ifconfig | Display IP address and netmask |
 | netstat -pantu | Connections/Ports | | netstat -pantu | Connections/Ports |
-| nload -u H | Show bandwidth | +| nload -u H | Display bandwidth | 
-| sh blubb.sh | sh file execute |+| sh blubb.sh | sh file executen |
 | wget http://www.psoft.net/shiv/HS/u-web-my4.tgz | gets file | | wget http://www.psoft.net/shiv/HS/u-web-my4.tgz | gets file |
-==== Start and stop ====+==== shutdown options ====
 ^ Command ^ Comment ^ ^ Command ^ Comment ^
-| shutdown -s | Shut down or switch off the system |+| shutdown -s | Shut down or switch off |
 | shutdown -r | Restart (reboot) | | shutdown -r | Restart (reboot) |
 | shutdown -l | User logout | | shutdown -l | User logout |
-| shutdown -s -f | forced shutdown |+| shutdown -s -f | Forced shutdown |
-===== Change Linux time =====+===== change system time =====
-Set the time under Linux. ((http://yellowpad.info/linux/date_time.asp))+Set the time under Linux. ((https://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Systemzeit/)) 
 +==== show time ====
 <code bash> <code bash>
-[me@mybox me]$ su +timedatectl 
-Check the current date and time of the Linux box by entering:+==== change time ====
-[root@mybox me]# date +Set time zone manually
-Linux yields the current settings: +
-[root@mybox me]# Wed Apr 7 12:03:45 EDT 2004+
-Change the current time and date of the Linux box by entering: +<code bash> 
-[root@mybox me]# date 040713032004 +sudo timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Berlin 
-would change the time and yield: +</code> 
-[root@mybox me]$ Wed Apr 7 13:03:00 EDT 2004+ 
 +Select time zone 
 +<code bash> 
 +sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
 </code> </code>
Line 105: Line 111:
 </code> </code>
-activate, or with+or activate it with
 <code bash> <code bash>
Line 111: Line 117:
 </code> </code>
-deactivateSubsequently, a restart of the web server with+deaktivierenThe web server must then be restarted with
 <code bash> <code bash>
Line 117: Line 123:
 </code> </code>
-is necessary.+nötig.
 ===== Run Froxlor Cron ===== ===== Run Froxlor Cron =====